1.Which three statements are true regarding the logical structure of the Oracle database? (Choose three.)
A. Each segment contains one or more extents.
B. Multiple tablespaces can share single data file.
C. A data block is the smallest unit of I/O for data files.
D. It is possible to have tablespaces of different block sizes in a database.
E. Each data block in the database always corresponds to one OS block.
Answer: ACD
2.Which is the memory area that is created when a dedicated server process is started, and contains data and control information for that server process?
C. Shared Pool
D. Streams Pool
Answer: B
3.You are in the middle of a transaction and very crucial data has been modified. Because of a hardware failure, the instance has shut down before synchronizing all the database files.
Which two statements are true? (Choose two.)
A. On startup, SMON coordinates instance recovery.
B. On startup, CKPT coordinates instance recovery.
C. On startup, use RMAN to perform instance recovery.
D. Uncommitted changes will be rolled back after the database is opened.
E. On startup, perform media recovery and then instance recovery.
F. On startup, all the files will be synchronized and you get both committed and uncommitted data.
Answer: AD
Oracle數據庫,是幾乎所有企業軟件的基石。壹次成功的IT管理方向職業生涯如果不理解 Oracle數據庫就像沒有鞋子走路壹樣。Oracle工程師就業前景無限。無論企業、事業單位、銀行、保險還是政府機關,都在利用互聯網來爲用戶提供更多更方便的服務,這些風光無限的公司的背後都有巨大的企業數據庫進行支撐,我們的身份信息、社保記錄、病曆、銀行記錄、遊戲裝備、通話記錄、聊天記錄、點卡、Q幣、支付寶中的金錢、ATM上的存款等等,所有這些都放在商業大型數據庫中,這個軟件就是軟件巨頭Oracle公司的産品。Oracle在中國的數據庫市場份額中達到了57%,在中國的客戶更有中國移動、中國電信、阿裏巴巴、騰訊等中國絕大多數的大型企業。同時Oracle在ERP市場也與SAP在爭奪第壹的位置。
1z0-042 考試是 Oracle 公司的 oracle database 10g:administration i 認證考試官方代號,oracle database 10g:administration i 認證作為全球IT領域專家 Oracle 熱門認證之壹,是許多大中IT企業選擇人才標準的必備條件。
10g DBA認證是業界最廣泛認可的IT技術認證之壹,也是業界最權威、最受尊敬的認證之壹。獲得1z0-042認證不僅僅能證明您的IT技術能力,更是您進入職場的敲門磚,也是提高您身價的另壹捷徑。
Oracle 數據庫10g管理員專員(OCA)證書–數據庫專業人員踏上Oracle數據庫10g認證之途的第壹步,表示具備Oracle數據庫10g管理的基礎知識
oracle database 10g administration i認證考試所需要掌握的內容,其中包括安裝oracle 10g軟件、創建和控制oracle數據庫、管理用戶、管理模式對象和數據、實現oracle安全特性、監視性能以及執行數據庫備份和恢複。
oracle database 10g:administration i
科目編號 : 1z0-042
科目名稱 : oracle database 10g:administration i