1. You want to create text along the edge of an oval frame that you've drawn with the Ellipse tool.
What should you do?
A. right+click (Ctrl+click with a one button mouse) the ellipse with the Type on a Path tool and choose Content > Text from the contextual menu
B. click the edge of the ellipse with the Type on a Path tool
C. double-click the edge of the ellipse with the Direct Selection tool
D. Shift+click the edge of the ellipse with the Type tool
Answer: B
2. You have created a new object style. In the Stroke pane of the New Object Style dialog box, you choose a 2-point red stroke. In the Paragraph Styles pane, you choose a paragraph style called "Heading". What happens when you select a graphic frame with a JPEG image in it and assign this object style?
A. The frame is converted to an empty text frame with a 2-point red stroke and the graphic is deleted.
B. The frame is converted to a text frame with a 2-point red stroke and the graphic is converted to an inline object.
C. The frame is assigned a 2-point red stroke and the graphic remains.
D. The frame remains the same and this object style is not applied.
Answer: C
3. You have a long story threaded across multiple columns on multiple pages. You want to ensure that a column of text does not begin with a single last line of a paragraph (widow), or end with a single first line of a paragraph (orphan). Which feature lets you control this?
A. Paragraph Rules from the Paragraph panel menu
B. Justification from the Paragraph panel menu
C. Advanced Type pane of the Preferences dialog box
D. Keep Options from the Control panel menu
Answer: D
4. You want to apply an opaque gradient fill at an angle, from the lower-left corner to the upper-right corner of a square frame. Which feature do you use to accomplish this?
A. New Gradient Swatch dialog box
B. Gradient panel
C. Effects panel
D. Gradient Feather tool
Answer: B
5. Using the Preflight panel, you want to locate any imported color bitmapped image with an effective resolution under 250 ppi. What should you do?
A. create a new Preflight profile with a Color Image Minimum Resolution setting of 250 ppi
B. create a new Preflight profile with a Color Image Maximum Resolution setting of 250 ppi
C. edit the Basic profile using a Color Image Minimum Resolution setting of 250 ppi
D. edit the Basic profile using a Color Image Maximum Resolution setting of 250 ppi
Answer: A
9A0-086 考試是Adobe認證的 Adobe InDesign CS4 Exam 認證考試官方代號,Adobe InDesign CS4 Exam 認證作為全球IT領域專家 Adobe 熱門認證之壹,是許多大中IT企業選擇人才標準的必備條件。
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Adobe InDesign CS4 Exam
科目編號 : 9A0-086
科目名稱 : Adobe InDesign CS4 Exam