


1.Which statement is true about web container session management?

A. Access to session-scoped attributes is guaranteed to be thread-safe by the web container.

B. To activate URL rewriting, the developer must use the HttpServletResponse.setURLRewriting method.

C. If the web application uses HTTPS, then the web container may use the data on the HTTPS request stream to identify the client.

D. The JSESSIONID cookie is stored permanently on the client so that a user may return to the web application and the web container will rejoin that session.

Answer: C

2. Your web application requires the adding and deleting of many session attributes during a complex use case. A bug report has come in that indicates that an important session attribute is being deleted too soon and a NullPointerException is being thrown several interactions after the fact. You have decided to create a session event listener that will log when attributes are being deleted so you can track down when the attribute is erroneously being deleted.Which listener class will accomplish this debugging goal?

A. Create an HttpSessionAttributeListener class and implement the attributeDeleted method and log the attribute name using the getName method on the event object.

B. Create an HttpSessionAttributeListener class and implement the attributeRemoved method and log the attribute name using the getName method on the event object.

C. Create an SessionAttributeListener class and implement the attributeRemoved method and log the attribute name using the getAttributeName method on the event object.

D. Create an SessionAttributeListener class and implement the attributeDeleted method and log the attribute name using the getAttributeName method on the event object.

Answer: B

3. Which implicit object is used in a JSP page to retrieve values associated with <context-param> entries in the deployment descriptor?

A. config

B. request

C. session

D. application

Answer: D

310-083 考試是SUN認證的 Sun Certified Web Component Developer for J2EE 5 認證考試官方代號,Sun Certified Web Component Developer for J2EE 5 認證作為全球IT領域專家 SUN 熱門認證之壹,是許多大中IT企業選擇人才標準的必備條件。




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  Sun Java認證是業界唯壹經Sun授權的Java認證。考試內容涉及所有Java相關知識、編程概念及applet開發技巧。Sun 認證Java程序員考試旨在觀察您通過應用軟件分配進行複雜編程的能力。之後還要測試您完成編程所需的知識。每次考試都包括65道以上的選擇題,時間大約爲90分鍾。


Sun Certified Web Component Developer for J2EE 5

科目編號 : 310-083

科目名稱 : Sun Certified Web Component Developer for J2EE 5


題目數量: 69

通過成績: 62% (69道題目答對44題)

時間: 135分鍾



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