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1. Which property must be specified in maximo.properties?
Answer: A
2. A customer wants to ensure that any data sent to the Tivoli process automation engine's Integration Framework for
retrieval of financial data into the Tivoli process automation engine can survive restarts and failures.
Which statement is true?
A.A JMS messaging engine must be configured with a persistent data store.
B.The customer must have the persist data option set for the Integration Framework adapter.
C.It can be configured by setting a property inside the Tivoli process automation engine after installation.
D.The messages are stored local to the adapter and will survive failures without any additional configuration.
Answer: A
3. Which method is used to validate the escalation being created?
A.Choose the Select action for Validate.
B.There is no validation of the escalation.
C.Save the escalation. Validation is automatic.
D.Click the Action button, which resembles a green check mark.
Answer: A
4 Which factor would normally be considered when developing a primary location hierarchy?
A.the financial relationship between locations
B.the functional relationship between locations
C.the geophysical relationship between locations
D.the organizational relationship between locations
Answer: C
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