一、 Examsoon認證考試題庫分享1Y0-A11考試最新考古題
1.A company is planning on implementing NetScaler systems in high availability pairs. Which entry in the NS.CONF file of the secondary system needs to be unique from those of the primary system?
B. VIP address
C. MIP address
D. NSIP address
Answer: D
2.Which command can an administrator use to set up a NetScaler system to use SNIPs instead of MIPs for connections to local resources?
A. set ns ip snip -mip
B. set ns mode USNIP
C. add ns mode USNIP
D. enable ns mode USNIP
Answer: D
3. How can an administrator configure a health check for a server receiving HTTP traffic so that it monitors the responses of the server to actual client requests as opposed to probes whenever possible?
A. Use the default TCP monitor
B. Configure an HTTP-ECV monitor
C. Configure an HTTP-Inline monitor
D. Use the TCP monitor with the transparent parameter selected
E. Configure an HTTP monitor with the transparent parameter selected
Answer: C
4. An administrator is setting up high availability (HA) using the command line interface.
Which additional step should the administrator take to configure HA when using the command line interface?
A. Reboot the primary node
B. Specify each interface number
C. Synchronize the SSL certificates, start up scripts and other configuration files on the primary node
D. Manually disable the HA monitor for each interface that is not connected or not being used for traffic
Answer: D
Basic Administration for Citrix NetScaler 9.0
科目編號 : 1Y0-A11
科目名稱 : Basic Administration for Citrix NetScaler 9.0
三、Citrix認證1Y0-A11 考試分享
1Y0-A11 考試是Citrix公司的 Basic Administration for Citrix NetScaler 9.0 認證考試官方代號,Basic Administration for Citrix NetScaler 9.0 認證作為全球IT領域專家 Citrix 熱門認證之壹,是許多大中IT企業選擇人才標準的必備條件。
Citrix Other Certification認證是業界最廣泛認可的IT技術認證之壹,也是業界最權威、最受尊敬的認證之壹。獲得1Y0-A11認證不僅僅能證明您的IT技術能力,更是您進入職場的敲門磚,也是提高您身價的另壹捷徑。
Citrix是世界領先的應用服務軟件方案提供商,其倡導的"數字化獨立"技術(Digital Independence),即通過任何網絡連接,向任何形式的客戶端設備發布任何應用的能力,已嬴得全球兩千多萬用戶的廣泛贊譽。 Citrix Systems MetaFrame技術爲IT規劃人員提供了面對這些挑戰的方法,它所實施的網絡架構不僅可以支持Web應用程序,並且支持當前幾乎所有部署在台式機的應用程序。
1Y0-A04 考試是 Citrix 公司的 Gateway 8.1.Enterprise Edition: Administration 認證考試官方代號,正是當下最熱門的Citrix認證認證科目。獲得該認證能提供Citrix的基于服務器的企業級網絡解決方案,使各行各業的計算機用戶,包括大中型企事業單位以及新興的應用服務提供商(ASP),能以更快的速度、更高的可預測性以及更優的性能價格比,爲更多的訪問者提供更豐富的應用,所覆蓋的地域及範圍更加廣泛。