1. Scenario: A user successfully launched a published application delivered from a XenApp server running within the user's LAN. Session Reliability has been disabled. Which port is used for communication between the Citrix online plug-in and the XenApp server?
A. 80
B. 1494
C. 2598
D. 3389
Answer: A
2. Which statement best describes the purpose of the data collector?
A. It verifies a user's permissions for the requested application.
B. It is used by the Delivery Services Console to run the farm discovery.
C. It authenticates the user and populates the Web Interface with their icons.
D. It maintains and communicates farm information to data collectors in other zones
Answer: D
3. Which statement correctly describes behavior of the XenApp Server Role Manager?
A. Remote Desktop Services will be automatically installed.Within theXenApp Server role the online plug-in is automatically installed.
B. Remote Desktop Services will need to be installed separately. Within theXenApp Server role the online plug-in is automatically installed.
C. Remote Desktop Services will be automatically installed. Within theXenApp Server role both the online and offline plug-in are automatically installed.
D. Remote Desktop Services will need to be installed separately. Within theXenApp Server role both the online and offline plug-in are automatically installed.
Answer: C
1Y0-A18 考試是 Citrix 公司的 Basic Administration for Citrix XenApp 6 認證考試官方代號,Basic Administration for Citrix XenApp 6 認證作為全球IT領域專家 Citrix 熱門認證之壹,是許多大中IT企業選擇人才標準的必備條件。
思傑系統(Citrix Systems)公司(納斯達克股票代碼:CTXS)是全球領先的虛擬計算解決方案提供商,幫助企業以按需服務的方式構建IT架構。思傑公司創立于1989年,致力于將虛擬化、網絡和雲計算技術全面整合,打造全方位的産品線,以幫助用戶實現虛擬工作方式,同時幫助IT部門構建虛擬數據中心。思傑公司在全球擁有超過23萬個企業客戶,這些客戶用思傑産品建立了更簡單、更具成本效益的IT環境。思傑公司在100多個國家擁有超過1萬家合作夥伴,2009年的總收入達16.1億美元。
1Y0-A18考試旨在證明合格的學員已掌握足夠的專業技術,能夠根據最佳實踐,對配備運行Citrix XenApp 6的服務器群集的企業環境進行安裝、管理、支持和/或故障排除。此外,它還是CCA for Citrix XenApp 6的要求。
1Y0-A18 Exam
Basic Administration for Citrix XenApp 6
科目編號 : 1Y0-A18
科目名稱 : Basic Administration for Citrix XenApp 6
Examsoon考古題價格:$ 69.00 $ 49.00